Obesity, Weight loss plans, Health

 Obesity Obesity is currently referred to as an epidemic in the medical field. Obesity raises the risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and maybe cancer. Given all of these health risks and the general improvement in quality of life that can occur, losing weight is one of the best things you can do for yourself. For most people, obesity happens gradually by taking in more energy than your body needs over time. Food and drinks contain energy, which your body burns, especially during physical activity. any extra energy you consume is stored as body fat. That’s why, over time, over-consuming food and drink without also increasing activity leads to weight gain. The body will remove extra fat when it requires more calories to function, To lose weight, you must cut down on your calorie intake while increasing the calories you burn.

The benefit of weight loss :
-Aids in the control of blood sugar and diabetes. 
-control and lower your blood pressure 
-Reduced risk of stroke -Improved mobility 
-Higher sex drive -Increase self-esteem 
-Increases energy and reduces joint discomfort

Metabolism All of the chemical processes that your body uses to make energy are referred to as the metabolism. Food is converted to energy by your body in order for it to perform the daily functions it needs to stay alive. Anabolism and catabolism are the two processes that make up metabolism. Anabolism is the process of storing energy, promoting the growth of new cells, and sustaining body tissues. Catabolism, on the other hand, is the breakdown of energy in order to move, heat, and invigorate your body. It's all too simple to blame weight problems on metabolism. However, weight maintenance is a complicated process involving genetics, hormones, diet, lifestyle, sleep, physical exercise, and stress. Slow metabolism is caused by a lack of activity mixed with fewer energy needs. If you give your body too much energy in the form of calories, that energy will be stored as fat since it has nowhere else to go. Research suggests that certain meals, habits, and activities can raise or lower your metabolism, altering the amount of energy your body burns over time. 

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