Why do you have a problem losing weight?


Like most people, you have probably followed a certain diet and exercise program in the hope of losing weight, and when you did not achieve the desired results, you were disappointed. What do you think is the reason for the failure in weight loss? And what to do?

The best way to deal with this is to look at what you are doing and see what changes are needed. There are many reasons for failure to lose weight.

Not exercising enough

As we underestimate the number of calories we consume, we tend to overestimate the number of calories we burn with exercise. This may be because we do not have a good idea of ​​how many calories to burn in different workouts or we rely on bodybuilding machines, which are not very accurate at calculating calories.

Think about your weight loss schedule and how long you have been working on it. If it's only been a few weeks, you may need to give your body more time to respond to what you are doing. Consider this time as a set period; When your body is learning in a unique way how to adapt to all these new changes.

High-calorie intake

Eating lots of calories is amazingly easy. If you eat a donut, a drink, an extra piece of bread, or even an extra tablespoon of salad dressing, you can easily increase your calories without even realizing it.

In addition, the latent calories that we eat on a daily basis and remember fewer of them should be considered; Remember, for example, a handful of smarties at work, the nuts you ate during the meeting, and the food you gladly ate to clean your baby's plate? All of this accumulates and sometimes gets to the point where your calorie intake is too much to burn.

you don't pay attention to your success

It may take some time for you to see the results you want. Patience along the way to weight loss is a key point. It is important to value every step you take on a daily basis and the constant efforts you make to change your eating and exercise habits. These are signs of success, regardless of whether or not you see the physical changes you want.

There is another common problem; You get results, but not as you want or expect. You lose a few inches from your abdomen, but you do not lose weight, and in this situation,

 you may think you are losing, but this is a sign of success. For example, check the tightness and looseness of your clothes. Are they looser? If so, this is a success! You may also find that you can exercise more easily or have more energy during the day. These are all signs of success.

If you gain muscle by losing fat, then your size may not change, but it looks like your body has found a new definition, and this is a definite sign that you have lost body fat.

Also, sometimes if we do not see the results where we want, we ignore them. Most of us have a laid-back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves. Like the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs, and if you do not see a change in these areas, you consider it a failure. Keep in mind that special exercises do not change certain parts of the body in terms of fat accumulation. Your body, as well as genes, hormones, sex, age, etc., determine where and when you lose fat. So keep in mind that if there is excess fat in one part of the body, it will take longer to lose fat.

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